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评分:8.1 / 地区:美国/ 片长:50分钟 导演:Mandy Chang / 热度:6289℃
类型:纪录片/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Robert Hugh








A curse till now一个时代的辉煌也是一个时代的颠覆





既然说艺术是为了呈现这个世界的意义 那我觉得就不需要评论家了 数据是事实 是一种官僚化和过分指摘批判的客观 但根本没本质 这老头…

#公开探索BBC# 193 3.5 被投资人开发了这片市场之后,商品属性盖过了艺术价值,(特别是现代艺术)。艺术品不再有机会做博物馆的糟糠妻,豪门贵戚才有钱包养。安迪沃霍洞悉了方向还是揭开了魔盒?



Over the past half-century, renowned art critic Robert Hughes has watched a certain story unfold in culture — a story of how commerce changed our relationship to art and, in the process, what art stands for as cultural currency. In The Mona Lisa Curse, an ambitious documentary available on YouTube in 12 installments, Hughes — curmudgeonly and keenly insightful as ever — traces the evolution of the art world’s devolution. From archival footage of Hughes, once a suave TIME critic, in his 1960′s prime to insider accounts of some of the greatest art events and deals of today, the series is as much an exemplar of investigative journalism as it is an absorbing and eye-opening piece of cultural storytelling.
  "I’ve seen with growing disgust the fictionalization of art, the vast inflation of prices, and the effect of this upon artists and museums. The entanglement of big money with art has become a curse on how art is made, controlled and, above all, in the way that it’s experienced. And this curse has infected the entire art world.”
  "Apart from drugs, art is the biggest unregulated market in the world, with contemporary art sales estimated at around $18 billion a year, boosted by regimens of new-rich collectors and serviced by a growing army of advisors, dealers and auctioneers. As Andy Warhol once observed, ‘Good business is the best art.’”
  "The Kennedys managed to turn the Mona Lisa into a kind of 15th-century television set — instead of 1.5 million people looking at one image flashed on 1.5 million screens, you had them all looking at it on one screen, which was the picture itself, and that was the only difference. They didn’t come to look at the Mona Lisa, they came in order to have seen it. And there is a crucial distinction, since one is reality and experience, and the other one is simply phantom."