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David Cross: Making America Great Again!(2016)

David Cross: Making America Great Again!

评分:7.1 / 地区:美国/ 片长: 导演: / 热度:7920℃
类型:脱口秀/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: David Cross

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David Cross: Making America Great Again!影评


A little political but not interesting enough.



"Madan President bin Laden is talking about giving next gen synths the right to represent their moon pods in the Underwater Congress?"

够大胆,对美国的文化/政治观察很精准也很聪明,比如为何上帝允许校园枪击案、NRA高层如何应对自己小孩被枪击、美国国父回答240年后的政治问题。最棒的段子:"Is there anything more American than standing firm and resolute in the face of rational thought" -- 格外应景当下的美国乱象。

David Cross: Making America Great Again!完整版剧情介绍

Actor/Comedian David Cross skewers Donald Trump, takes shots at religious taboos, and american swagger in a hilarious yet provocative night of comedy at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, TX.