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评分:8.6 / 地区:法国/ 片长: 导演:亚莉安·莫努虚金 / 热度:23076℃
类型:舞台艺术/ 语言:法语 编剧:Hélène Cixous
主演: Nicolas Sotnikoff/Renata Ramos Maza/朱莉安娜·卡耐诺·库尼亚/Duccio Vannuccini Bellugi
影片别名:The Flood Drummers




震撼!!! 东方舞台艺术的完美融合 尤其是Jean-Jacques Lemêtre的配乐 太阳剧团是真的艺术圣地!





pretty good but not the best.


ARIANE MNOUCHKINE’S FILM Tambours sur la Digue is a cinematographic transposition of her production performed by the Théâtre du Soleil troupe at the Cartoucherie theatre complex. This transition from theatre to film creates an additional story within a story, especially since it is about a dramatic work itself performed using a juxtaposition of theatrical forms and different levels of meaning and perception. The political and philosophical tale conjured up by Hélène Cixous takes place in a legendary, ancient China. The inhabitants are faced with a massive threat, a devastating flood that could wash away the city’s protective dykes. From prince to beggar, the imminent disaster brings out in everyone a moment of truth where the nature and character of human beings is revealed, where, in the face of doom, a pell-mell of sacrifice, wisdom, courage and cowardice, selfless commitment to saving the community, megalomania and personal interests all jostle and collide.
  These comic and poetic “living dolls” create a striking break with reality, intensifying the impact as the audience is plunged into a disturbingly strange world.
  影片《堤霸上的鼓手》是亞里安娜.穆西金把她導演的同名劇作轉成電影。 戲劇是由太陽劇場演出。
  這個有關政治和哲學的故事由 Hélène Cixous 創作,是發生在古代傳說中的中國。居民將面對一個嚴重的災難:一場大水將會衝破保護整個城市的堤霸。而因為這場即將來臨的災難,每一個人,由王子到乞丐都要面對人性真實的一面。
  在這齣劇作中,導演亞里安娜.穆西金選擇由真人模仿日本人形淨琉璃。每個人偶背後有一名穿黑衣的操偶師控制。這些活生生的 “ 人形公仔 ” 為戲劇營造了一種脫離現實的感覺,加強了故事的震撼性,觀眾被帶進一個奇異的世界中。