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评分:8.0 / 地区:美国/ 片长:75min 导演:Scott Crary / 热度:7590℃
类型:纪录片/音乐/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Michael Gira/Lydia Lunch/Yeah Yeah Yeahs




老炮总是看不起乖乖后辈呢,哈哈哈哈听the stroke 其实挺喜欢的呢结果被diss了,看这部纪录片算是今天最快乐的事情了。这么说来,自己从小也是泡在文化垃圾里长大的资本傀儡一代

前半部采访No Wave老鸟看得聚精会神,后半部分新生代兴趣缺缺。另外事实证明生肉视频B站审核特松,遛个鸟也无事。Gira的营业笑容十分可爱,说自己从LA去了纽约生活艰难,当建筑工人拆房顶弄得满身老鼠屎,大无语事件。


"we werent just trying to make music ,we were trying to be monsters"

开头就是性手枪那首经典之作looking for kiss的早期现场。然后结论:1. 60年代前的朋克真心听不懂 2. We making Rock N Roll because we had no other choices. 3. 某国内乐队女主唱100%模仿Yeah Yeah Yeahs 4. 后现代几乎成功的朋克队儿都是受Sonic Youth的影响。



on stage看的 分心几次 有机会重看 1.被Lydia Lunch给恶心到了 2.被Liars的“convenient”组成方式给笑到了--两个人在看房子的时候吐槽房租贵 然后互相介绍一下都是art student 另外一个人好像路过在吃冰淇淋什么的...不知道描述夸张了多少 但真是笑场了 3. yeah yeah yeah的dating故事蛮有意思

感受:1. 我属实softcore 2. 摇滚乐果然死了(继续确信 3. 现在有啥音乐是革命性的 我感到迷茫需要牛逼的人指引方向


A thrilling, comprehensive guide to New York's buzzing downtown underground post-punk scene. Director Scott Crary kicks things off with the birth of No Wave in the late 1970's, providing an angular rush with a priceless collection of live performances from Suicide, Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, the Theoretical Girls and DNA. From this initial explosion of artistic energy, the film moves through the 1980's, passing the torch to Thurston Moore and Lee Renaldo of Sonic Youth and Michael Gira of Swans, before crashlanding in the noisy Now! of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Black Dice, Liars, A.R.E. Weapons and the Gypsy stylings of Gogol Bordello. Interviews connect the threads between the past and the present, an ever-fertile scene is defined, celebrated and trashed with equal amounts of enthusiasm, and the creators of some of the most challenging rock music of all-time get to explain what they do, why they do it and where it's all heading.