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Punk: Attitude(2005)

Punk: Attitude

评分:8.3 / 地区:UK / USA/ 片长: 导演:Don Letts / 热度:5465℃
类型:/ 语言:English 编剧:

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确实如其名,是将朋克不仅作为一种Genre,更是作为根植于西方流行乐史发展脉络的一种Attitude来谈的纪录片,光是命题本身就足以让人热血沸腾,对英美Punk Scene的对比也很有意思。(Henry Rollins好能侃而且好有点(结尾曲进前奏时对应的画面简直punk af

Punk: Attitude剧照

收集The Clash footage的过程中随手就看了,同样出自此genre的老朋友Don Letts之手。结果高光时刻很多,非常欢乐。本片中你可以看到美国朋克吐槽英国朋克,英国朋克吐槽英国朋克,俱乐部老板吐槽乐队太烂,Henry Rollins吐槽Hardcore太基……不一而足。虽然对Punk兴趣还是不大,但实际上自己喜欢的不少东西都和其有千丝万缕的联系,在这片里都串起来了,看得特愉快(贾木许不意外但是没想到玛丽哈伦也是这圈的hhhh,世界真小……(最后,For Joe Strummer

Punk: Attitude剧照

同時給我的還有一部Scott Walker 至今沒看並且弄丟了

Punk: Attitude剧照

"朋克不是英国人发明的么?" "mom!!"

Punk: Attitude剧照

who wants some fking attitude

Punk: Attitude剧照

stand up say fuck, power of chaos

Punk: Attitude剧照

VU、Iggy、Suicide、Jarmusch、CBGB、Sonic Youth、Glenn Branca。。。

Punk: Attitude剧照

Punk: Attitude完整版剧情介绍

Punk: Attitude is a documentary on the history of punk rock in the USA and UK. The film traces the different styles of punk from their roots in 60s garage and psychedelic bands (Count Five, the Stooges) through glam-punk (New York Dolls) to the 70s New York and London scenes and into the hardcore present. Interviews with many of the musicians are edited with live clips and historical footage.