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One Night Stand:Louis C.K.(2005)

One Night Stand:Louis C.K.

评分:8.7 / 地区:美国/ 片长:43 min 导演: / 热度:19524℃
类型:喜剧/舞台艺术/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: 路易·C·K

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One Night Stand:Louis C.K.影评


When he’s still married and expecting the second child 很多梗都是幸运路易里面的啦



很短的一个专场,还是相对前期的风格,吐槽婚姻和育儿为主。女人讲事情50个支线和小孩总问why这个观察太精准了,“我们在宇宙中是孤独的” 或许是路易心声。


I love that retarded camp—there is no winner in any game, everybody won a gold medal! (看到了早期的路易ck,语气更急切,讲话速度更快,更关心自己所维系的关系,没时间关心这个世界)

cuz we're fucking alone in the universe!!(ps为什么louis关于自慰的笑话总能讲得那么好笑啊?(养小孩的也是,捉迷藏真的很形象

2019已看program4/ When you get married .You go, holy shit, I can't leave now. Then you have a kid and you go, holy Shit,I couldn't have left. Masturbation/Naming( Ladies and gentlemen.)

Every stories gets divided into 50 stories and all branch out. Pick a thing. It's about tomato the whole time. You're gonna have sex with 0 women for the rest of your life. That's not a homeless guy, it's a married man there. Marriage is nothing, kid is everything. Without a kid, marriage is dating. I can't leave now! I could've left! A name with no vowels. Poor people know what's like to be rich, because they fantasize it constantly. What did they shitty kid do to that poor woman? Why why why?

我喜欢的离婚老男人好像都对自己前妻各种念念不忘……but then I doubt his sexual orientation from time to time cuz he obviously can’t stop talking about sucking multiple dicks

基本上是 lucky louis 的剧情了。很多亮点:马提尼/hell里无所适从/小孩捉迷藏/取名/智障夏令营/whywhywhy

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