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John Mulaney: New In Town(2012)

John Mulaney: New In Town

评分:8.6 / 地区:美国/ 片长:42分钟 导演: / 热度:21062℃
类型:/ 语言:英语 编剧:约翰·木兰尼
主演: 约翰·木兰尼

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翻来覆去不知道看了几遍了,只要无聊就会点开木兰尼的单口/the office…距离第一次看他的stand-up comedy已经过去了差不多一年,still my favorite!!! 不是最好笑的comedian,但是至少是最招人喜欢的!

天呐,短评笑死我了,全是1551木兰妮小萌受awww太可爱了的哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。He’s right. Everybody just assumes he’s gay.

Dissecting laughter. Blending personal experiences and creativity, turning bitterness into happiness, the kind of comedy that speaks and remains.

对比起来the comeback kid真的好烂啊。全场就new in town那个段子不好笑 其他全是beyond funny 啊

因为letterboxd的decade榜单找来看这集 挺一般的 但Mulaney的personality很likable

自嘲tall child/pround asian woman/gay吐槽法律与秩序纽约照数字标号小鬼当家有什么好lost最终以指检收场/非常流畅也很好笑/笑完就?️

home alone lost in ny-how can u get lost in ny the streets are numbered;i had very thin eyes-today i met a boy with no eyes;mean 8th graders;ocean11 no women version guess what哈哈哈coz two would break off to bitch about the other 9;jewish ppl upfront with their feelings; im homeless gay got aids and new in town;lie about peeing 11 times a day to get drugs这段子的后果我的嘛呀

没想到最早的一场special是效果最好的,段子整体水平都不错(比如new-in-town homeless),有些贱贱的甚至不那么政治正确的笑话(比如调侃犹太人)。

In heaven they built 3/4 of a gay person but forgot to flip the final switch. Hv a gf=hv a lawyer 4 eryday life. Jewish jokes. 连环梗不错 最后一段笑死了

1,女版11罗汉真拍出来了哈哈哈哈就问你怕不怕?!2,居然是爱尔兰人诶,3,最好的gay joke,4,连环梗,结构不错

He is exactly what you expect him to be. 從小被欺負的童顏小萌受自我認知能力實在太強,對自己的吐槽甚至總結的比你腦中對他的各種想像還要精准犀利。看著這張無公害的臉真的就會覺得他之前的人生只有抱枕毛毯香草曲奇和溫熱牛奶。

看明白了,Mulaney三个Special按时间序列越说越差。这一出里的prostate test部分是今年最好笑的表演(although笑话本身质量不算特别高

John Mulaney: New In Town完整版剧情介绍

In this debut, first-ever one-hour COMEDY CENTRAL Original World Premiere Stand-Up Special, viewers will find the thoughts and feelings of writer (“Saturday Night Live”) and stand-up comedian (“COMEDY CENTRAL Presents” and “Human Giant”) John Mulaney: a pleasant, nearly 30-year-old man who enjoys making fun of himself and others. In “New In Town,” Mulaney tackles such red-hot topics as french fries, “Law & Order,” and his bygone partying days. Through his stories viewers will watch Mulaney age from a nervous and dishonest child to a still nervous and dishonest adult. “John Mulaney: New in Town” debuts Saturday, January 28 at 10.00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.