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评分:6.8 / 地区:美国/ 片长: 导演:巴贝特·施罗德 / 热度:473℃
类型:惊悚/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: 布里吉特·芳达/詹妮弗·杰森·李/斯蒂文·韦伯



《双面女郎》2021-35 我是冲着布里姬特方达的短发造型来看的,故事呢女主和男友分手后招来一个女房客,女房客逐渐进入她的生活,并且逐渐从服装到发型越来越像她,同时女主发现了女房客的秘密…… 片子放现在挺普通,当时可能稍好一点,毕竟当时这样题材的片子还没有这么多,看点可能就是两个女演员惊人相似的造型了。




我觉得碧姬方达和Jennifer Jason Leigh是那一批好莱坞女生里比较俏丽的两个,不过JJL在这里能显得这么扭曲不堪挺不容易,碧姬则真的很合适小姐姐三个字。配乐是咱霍华德肖所以必然不是纯惊悚而是带着悲桑滴百合情的啦


俩女主美翻了……结局万万没猜到 ==(俩女人大战300回合,被射爆脑袋的某男餐具 orz)同胞爱强大……高跟鞋行凶威武!生活中处处有凶器!话说导演愣是把一美丽纯情百合片整成了心理惊悚悬疑片 -- 试想赫蒂杀死了艾丽,定会继续寻找新的双子,重蹈覆辙,再毁掉两人的一切;寻同性室友的女生千万小心 orz




#骚扰者女性电影# 导演要表现的真正主题是人的依赖性。极端粉丝会通过自己的崇拜对象去感受和生存。如果偶像成功了,他们手舞足蹈,一旦偶像失败,他们也精神崩溃。认同感如此强烈,以至于相信偶像也爱他们,并需要他们去解救。这种现象的代价就是,哪些偶像绝不能辜负粉丝们的幻想期望。当艾莉森改变主意与男友重归于好后,赫德拉立即对她生出了愤怒的杀气。




美人啊…渲染的蛮好的很吸引人,剧情在那么老的片子来说已经很赞啦....amant double有一部分灵感来源于这片吧,最起码那个漂亮的短发


25± 前une discussion avec BS apres Calculs meurtriers;午déjeuner+interview avec AD





  Alison "Allie" Jones (Bridget Fonda) is a software designer in New York City. While her professional star is on the rise -- she has created a computer software package that will revolutionize the fashion world -- her personal life is a mess.
  Allie banishes her fiance Sam Rawson (Steven Weber) from her rent-controlled apartment on Manhattans Upper West Side, after discovering that he slept with his ex-wife. Allie finds platonic comfort in her homosexual neighbor Graham Knox (Peter Friedman), an aspiring actor with a sensitive shoulder to lean on.
  Realizing that the only way to hold on to her apartment is to find a roommate, Allie places an ad and interviews a succession of unsuitable candidates before settling on the shy Hedra "Hedy" Carlson (Jennifer Jason Leigh), who, in Allies eyes, is the ideal roomie.
  Aimless and underemployed, Hedy quickly fills the void left in Allies life by Sams departure. Allie, meanwhile, is only too happy to allow Hedy to cook and clean for her. Their friendship deepens when Hedy brings home an adorable and -- unknown to Allie -- very expensive puppy; Allie later discovers the receipt and confronts Hedy, but Allie cant bring herself to part with the puppy.
  Unknown to Allie, Hedy erases Sams phone messages when he calls to plead for a reconciliation. Before long, shes even begun emulating the more sophisticated Allie in dress and manner. Allie passes off this strange behavior as that of an insecure but well-intentioned woman.
  When Allie reconciles with Sam about a month after Hedy moved into the apartment, Allie and Sam toy with the idea of Sam moving into the apartment with Allie. Heddie goes over the edge, knowing that this means that she would have to move out of the apartment.
  One afternoon, while Allie and Sam are out of the apartment, the puppy, which Allie has grown to love, plunges mysteriously to its death from a window. And before long, Hedys closet contains the exact same clothes as Allies, and Hedy has even had her hair cut and dyed to match Allies look, resulting in a startling resemblance between Allie and Hedy.
  More than a little unnerved, a suspicious Allie talks to Graham. Graham advises Allie to get Hedy to move out of the apartment. Allie begins to investigate Hedys background.
  Allie goes into Hedys room and looks through her possessions, and discovers that Hedy is not who she claims to be -- Hedys real name is Ellen Besch. Years ago, when Ellen was 9-years-old, Ellens twin sister Judy drowned at a family picnic.
  An absolutely devastated Ellen hasnt been the same since Judys death. The bond between siblings can be strong, but it can be especially strong with twins. For years, Ellens parents tried to explain to her that Judys death was not her fault, but Ellen never forgave herself for living while Judy died.
  Ellen, who had undergone futile counseling, had been looking for a female companion so Ellen could have a friend to replace Judy. Thats why Ellen tries to look exactly like whatever roommate she had at the moment...so it would be like Ellen still had a twin sister.
  Before moving in with Allie, Ellen had lived with a woman in Tampa. That didnt work out, so Ellen killed the woman and went to New York, later moving in with Allie. No sooner has Allie confided her mounting suspicions to Graham than he receives a brutal beating from Hedy.
  Dozing in bed, Sam gets a visit from Ellen, who is decked out as Allie. Ellen performs oral sex on him. Sam is too self-involved to notice that she is not Allie. Then he catches on. Sam decides to tell Allie what Ellen is up to, but before Sam can do that, Ellen kills Sam with a spiked heel.
  The next thing Ellen does is take Allie hostage in Grahams apartment. Mitchell Meyerson (Stephen Tobolowsky), a client of Allies who had nearly raped her, comes to the apartment looking for Allie, because Allie had retaliated by erasing all of Mitchells computer files.
  Mitchell notices that Allie has been tied up. He throws Ellen over a table, but she grabs a gun, puts a pillow over Mitchells face, and shoots him, using the pillow as a silencer.
  Having saved Allie from another rape attempt, Ellens logic assures her that Allie will thank her for this protective care, but when Allie responds by trying to escape, Ellens violence is turned toward Allie.
  This leads to a bloody, extended battle deep within the apartment buildings basement as Allie has to fight for her life against Ellen. It ends when Allie, in self defense, stabs Ellen to death with a screwdriver.
  (from wikipedia)