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评分:7.2 / 地区:美国/ 片长:96 分钟 导演:道格·里曼 / 热度:279℃
类型:剧情/喜剧/ 语言:英语 编剧:96 分钟
主演: 乔恩·费儒/文斯·沃恩/海瑟·格拉汉姆/Patrick Van Horn/艾利克斯·迪塞尔
影片别名:全职浪子 / 求爱欲辣



听Kings of Con被安利的老片,文斯和法儒年轻时居然也是棱角分明的帅哥岁月是一把杀猪刀……对白有艺术青年的调调,赌城寻爱之旅


哈 Jon Favreau还是个有情怀的小演员的时候 非常真实因为这就是他的生活 喜欢的地方:落水狗的慢镜头和好家伙的厨房scene 还有音乐和那五下车锁




没字幕话太多就没怎么整明白……男人泡吧找女人这件事从各个方面对我来说都太陌生了。Ron在这部里修了眉毛感觉很精神。画面和氛围还行,90年代的old school质感也很不错。总的来说有种无力感。


伤会好的,人会忘的,脑海里咔嗒一下的时候缠在一起的毛线都延展开来,世界清楚明了。另外,致敬昆汀和斯科塞斯有点玩味噢; )


For my west coast reminiscence. 就像某个短评说的,这片子就是理想主义者的放纵,对自我的质疑。男主和男主基友是真“好人”啊各种meaning。




I know you are money, Mike. 剧中的年轻人包括导演现在都成了商业片的一员,不是说不好,但是希望能再看到这种好的独立电影


才气逼人,扎扎实实地感受到的: 搞“损友常伴左右/恋爱柳暗花明”的buddy movie鲜少这么灵魂松弛节奏精准;上一分钟角色还在瞧不起昆汀《落水狗》开篇慢镜头,下一分钟自己就玩起来…(在the sopranos s2里看到jon favreau真身客串,swingers被提太多遍

泡妞,是一种修炼,一种生活。要泡妞必须得活在现在,看见现在自己有的才会自信。真正的泡妞高手不是说什么人都能泡,他们之前去的BAR就是属于DEAD的情况,所以他们换了地方才能泡。与其说是泡妞不如说是被泡。I don't have to be liked by everyone.Some don't like me.I don't like certain people.

Jon Favreau和Vince Vaughn内会儿也太正点了,看了人到中年最怕肥!影片中一票单身损友一起混迹把妹很有意思。

That was so fucking money. That was like the Jedi mind-shit.


  Before watching "Swingers," I saw Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn paired off in "Made." Now, I didn't like "Made" all that much, but that didn't lower my expectations when watching "Swingers." I already knew the two actors had a great chemistry and as long as the script is well-written, they can really go places. "Swingers" is a thoroughly original, wonderfully written comedy that's filled with big laughs.
  Favreau and Vaughn's characters are like polar opposites, and it's hilarious to watch them argue. The rest of the actors are also good (I think the black guy is the blind character from "Becker"--I could be wrong), but Vince Vaughn steals the show as the smooth-talking Trent. We all have friends like Trent. Some of us aspire to be like Trent. Some of us are Trent. I admit, I would compare myself more to Favreau's character--the more reserved, sensitive type. But the great thing about a film like this is it's down to earth. It's about everyday people in everyday situations, and I guarantee many of us can relate to the characters in "Swingers" in one way or another, just like how many of us relate to the characters on "Seinfeld." This isn't a plot-driven film, so you can call this a movie about nothing. It's simply about a group of studs on the prowl, hitting the clubs and casinos, and sharing their philosophies on sex and dating. There are several films that tried to replicate this format and failed ("Whipped" comes to mind).
  If you're in the mood to laugh hysterically and be wildly entertained, "Swingers" is the movie for you. About my only criticisms would be a few lame attempts to be stylish. Come on, would 5 guys really drive in their own cars and follow each other all the way without anyone cutting them off?