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评分:8.9 / 地区:美国/ 片长:88分钟 导演:Clint Eastwood / 热度:6086℃
类型:纪录片/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Marcia Ball/雷·查尔斯/Dr. John/Jay McShann



跟 Ray Charles 弹完琴,东木骂了句非常可爱的脏话

难以忍受Clint Eastwood表现出的傲慢(tasty译为有品位的,字幕问题?),和显摆劲(抢话,“我的经历是XXX这样的,你怎么看”),讨好省事的固定套路:模板问题+艺人影像资料堆砌+现场演奏。

看着伊斯特伍德嫉妒一帮老顽童的钢琴造诣,哈哈哈真是开心,剪辑也很boogie-woogie啊, 嘿嘿




影片是纪录片"The Blues"中的一集 由Clint Eastwood导演 实在没想到银幕形象向来是西部硬汉的他有一颗如此细腻的蓝调心 a heart of blues 看完惊叹于他对blues的了解和痴迷


全都是大师!!!Clint Eastwood对布鲁斯的了解深入得惊人,钢琴也弹得巨好!!!历史资料里面那些钢琴家们,简直就是在用音符画一幅印象派的油画,手指在黑白键之间自由的流动。太太太吸引人了!!!

就是在这样的纪录片里露露脸也这么抢眼...完全中枪了...电影本身很简单,clint对blues很了解,时而潇洒抚琴,时而侧耳倾听,时而侃侃而谈,拍好这个纪录片不在话下,说实话就连他的许多剧情片也仅凭个人魅力就给电影上了一个档次,简直神人, 或者说女人眼里的他是这样的.

Ray Charles Dave Brubeck Thelonious Monk Duke Ellington Nat "King" Cole……这集太激动人心了


Clint Eastwood directed and hosted this final segment of the seven-part Blues documentary which was aired on PBS in the United States and then released on DVD. Eastwood has been a longtime fan of the piano and of blues and jazz artists. He once did a movie called "Bird" about jazzman Charlie Parker.
  Here, Clint sits at the piano next to people like Ray Charles, Dave Brubeck, Marcia Ball, Dr. John and others and interviews them. Most aren't good interviewees and say very little, especially Charles who revealed nothing about himself or his music; absolutely no insight. Brubeck does a beautiful number but its jazz, not blues. Apparently, Eastwood forgot this was a documentary on blues. About half of the material here is more on jazz greats, like Brubeck or Oscar Peterson, Thelonious Monk, Duke Ellington, Nat "King" Cole, etc.
  The best parts were clips of older and deceased piano greats like Art Tatum, who may be the best of all time, as shown here. He was awesome and I admit I knew little about the man until this episode.
  Other footage highlights Otis Spann and the Chicago electric blues sound, which is more like it, to blues fans like me. Charles Brown offers some good boogie while Big Joe Turner and Jay McShann, Pinetop Perkins, Pete Jolly, Fats Domino, Professor Longhair and others contribute either live or in footage.
  Meanwhile, film of a slinky woman in a sequined dress playing some boogie-woogie stuff was a highlight to me, too. Man, she could play and was fun to watch. I'd like to see more of her, or at least find out who she was. (I should have taken notes.).
  Charles, via old TV tape, concludes this episode with his bluesy version of "America" which still in unique and wonderful.