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评分:9.6 / 地区:英国 / 美国/ 片长:Brazil: 146 分钟 导演:David Leland / 热度:23010℃
类型:纪录片/音乐/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Eric Clapton/Ray Cooper/Dhani Harrison





昨天是乔治的生日,如果他还活着也78岁了,他的纪念演唱会上各种肤色种族的朋友站在一起合唱时,便知道了George Harrison这个名字代表的意义,最终 我只能在梦里见到你,花瓣雨中你的吉他无声哭泣,你的肉体消逝在物质世界,你的灵魂还活着。


昨天是乔治的生日,如果他还活着也78岁了,他的纪念演唱会上各种肤色种族的朋友站在一起合唱时,便知道了George Harrison这个名字代表的意义,最终 我只能在梦里见到你,太阳为你升起,花瓣雨中你的吉他无声哭泣,你的肉体消逝在物质世界,万物将逝,而你的灵魂还活着。


昨天是乔治的生日,如果他还活着也78岁了,他的纪念演唱会上各种肤色种族的朋友站在一起合唱时,便知道了George Harrison这个名字代表的意义,最终 我只能在梦里见到你,那里的太阳为你升起,花瓣雨中你的吉他无声哭泣,你的肉体消逝在物质世界,万物也终将逝,而你的灵魂还活着。


飘落的花瓣真美 晚安乔治 I'll see you in my dreams. "Olivia说:'达尼在台上,看上去就像乔治变年轻了而我们都老了。'"


老友们用一晚的时间齐聚,用很美的音乐纪念一个很好的人:He's like the sun, the flower, the moon. 在场的人都努力表现得豁达平静,但还是听哭,尤其是到自己最爱的While My Guitar Gently Weeps. 老克凄怆的神情让人不忍心多看.保罗和林戈在Dhani身旁,恍若只有他们老去而乔治依然年轻。白专版没录的那句歌词太要命, “As I'm sitting here doing nothing but aging. ”


温馨温柔温暖的一场纪念演出。 好像终于等到了Eric Clapton加入Beatles,只不过列侬去了理想国,而小乔化身为儿子Dhani回到十八岁,I'll see you in my dreams。


金毛对小乔爱深不见底。弹唱他写过的歌,喜欢他喜欢的女人,想加入他所在的乐队,在得知超多人都那么爱小乔,自己不是他唯一的best friend的心碎一击。渣的简单粗暴而可爱动人~paul用尤克里里伴奏的可爱版something再给小乔听一阵暖心,而legal husband唱这首关于patti的歌则是另一番深沉的风景,他爱的自始至终都只是小乔~my guitar gently weeps的那段行云流水的riff访若无人的倾诉衷肠太动人了!isn't it a pity 和 hey judy的remix华丽到醉人!谢幕时花瓣雨中小乔弹着心爱的吉他告别,为什么世上曾有过这么美好的人儿我不知道?Dylan没来,独自飞到beatles故居暗自拜访,写下 “As I walked out in the mystic garden, On a hot summer day, a hot summer lawn, Excuse me, ma'am, I beg your pardon. There's no one here, the gardener is gone”


选择在这个心绪复杂的夜晚看完Concert For George,最后Joe brown唱我也差点眼泪掉下来。那个年代早已像那漫天飞舞的纸屑一样,伸出手再要捉住一张早已变得不可能。再想起我最近的生活,“They will light my way tonight, I'll see you in my dreams”也许可以道声晚安。

with Dhani on stage, it's like George stays young and we all grow older.

Olivia said that with Dhani up on stage, it looks like George stayed young and we all got old



THE CONCERT FOR GEORGE is currently playing in theatres. (This is being written in October, 2003.) I believe the DVD will include this version with other material, but, since that won't be out until November, I'm only commenting on what's being seen in movie theatres. This is a film of a memorial concert. George Harrison's colleagues and friends gathered at the Royal Albert Hall a years after his death and performed. The film quality is good and so is the sound. Everybody is relaxed. I've always felt THE CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH has an atmosphere of panic. THE CONCERT FOR GEORGE, with an equally stellar line-up, is much more assured than THE CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH. A highlight is a piece featuring Eric Clapton playing a guitar solo with Ravi Shankar's musicians behind him. The piece was written by Ravi Shankar for this event. George Harrison's concept of music which is both Western and Eastern is realized. Paul McCartney sings Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" clearly and sincerely. Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne sing "Handle With Care," the Traveling Wilburys' signature tune. Billy Preston is in fine voice and someone I've never heard of, Joe Brown, performs. His band was managed by Brian Epstein. We are shown a poster for an event at which the Beatles warmed up for Joe Brown's group. Joe Brown's songs are sung in a warm, confident voice and he plays a ukelele. Ukeleles were a major joy for Harrison in his last decade. Ringo sings "Photograph" with better keyboard work than I've ever heard on it. He drums on a couple of the songs Paul sings on. McCartney and Clapton play a segmented "Something," Paul beginning it with a ukelele and Clapton coming in about a third of the way through with a bright electric solo. The drumming at this point successfully duplicates the sound on ABBEY ROAD. Olivia Harrison lights a lamp at the beginning and, throughout the concert, Dhani Harrison plays rhythm guitar. He plays piano during the Ravi Shankar composition. During "Isn't It a Pity," Dhani sings "Nah, nah, nah, nah-nah, nah, nah" in a tipping of the hat to "Hey Jude." After "Isn't It a Pity," Ringo introduces Paul. Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam (joined by Neil Innes and Tom Hanks, actually) do two skits and Palin makes two humorously pompous speeches. Several times, but not intrusively, the performers speak to the cameras about George. During one or two songs, the voice of an interviewee comes over a song, and that's my one objection. Altogether, this is a movie of a good concert and the last few minutes are really quite moving. I saw it with a small audience, but everybody clapped at the end.