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Truth, Lies and Intelligence(2005)

Truth, Lies and Intelligence

评分:0 / 地区:澳大利亚/ 片长: 导演:Carmel Travers / 热度:6888℃
类型:纪录片/ 语言:阿拉伯语 / 英语 编剧:
主演: Joseph Wilson/Greg Thielman/Michael Ratner/James Woolsey/Andrew Wilkie

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Truth, Lies and Intelligence影评

还是蛮中立的... 女导演向大家展示了一个很实际的问题。虽然战争起因是基于英美政府的误导,那退而求其次,算是为了伊拉克人民的民主自由而战,但怎么越战越不怎么民主自由了呢?而伊拉克的民众也是对推翻萨达姆的独裁有不同的看法,但一点是肯定的,这场不正义的战争,让本拉登的支持者翻倍了。

Truth, Lies and Intelligence完整版剧情介绍

Truth, Lies and INTELLIGENCE chronicles the inside journey from September 11 to the bombing of Baghdad. After scores of interviews with senior intelligence analysts, Iraqi refugees, Arab leaders, insurgent bombers and ordinary citizens there can be only one conclusion, that the invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq was a war based on a litany of lies.