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评分:7.3 / 地区:西班牙/ 片长:France: 135 分钟 / Greece: 128 分钟 导演:Jaime Rosales / 热度:19349℃
类型:剧情/ 语言:西班牙语 编剧:Jaime Rosales / Enric Rufas
主演: Jorge Bosch/Petra Martínez/Nuria Mencía
影片别名:孤寂碎片 / 孤独 / Solitary Fragments



第一次看到分屏的电影,很新颖,感觉很微妙。无法避免的孤独潜伏在琐碎的生活。得不到,越想要。Te echo de menos muchísimo. 唯一苦逼的是讲西语,给英语字幕。

These momentary interruptions seem cursory, but they are exactly what make life “life”.

31 JAN 2010 (4-) 看簡介時知道會玩分割畫面,心底已經涼了好一陣子,最初看不出畫面被分割時,還覺得室內迴廊的構圖有點蔡生簽名的味道,但看下去卻覺得玩來十分克制和理智,而且總算跟電影主題環環相扣,絕對不是為玩而玩的爛貨色。捕捉情感和演出都冷靜而恰到好處,值得推薦。





In four distinct chapters, Solitary Fragments follows two women, Adela and Antonia, through their everyday lives. The film maps out their relationships, shows us the people that matter to them, and slowly ties their lives together. With a camera as still and observant as Ozu’s tatami angle, Jaime Rosales creates a disarmingly naturalistic, nonjudgmental tapestry of people struggling with ordinary challenges. The result is a fascinating ecosphere of human behavior. Petty arguments, procrastinated plans, quiet sacrifices, acts of compassion, and conciliatory gestures – these momentary interruptions seem cursory, but they are exactly what make life “life”. Winner of Best Film and Best Director at the 2008 Goya Awards, Spain’s equivalent to the Oscar.

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