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评分:7.8 / 地区:美国/ 片长: 导演:Ricki Stern / Anne Sundberg / 热度:25308℃
类型:纪录片/ 语言:英语 编剧:Michelle Ngo / Patricia Sunshine / Naomi Wolf
主演: David Antoon/Vincent Cannistraro/James Cullen



When the Bill of Rights is violated one by one, it is the end of America.

没想到看的人这么少啊。。。每个国家都有霸权和独裁 程度不同而已 如果这些人生在中国 就不会觉得不悦了

close society overstated


说的都是些显而易见的事实 总觉得美国人是不是太单纯和天真而不能意识到政府的丑陋呢?


The End of America details the ten steps a country takes when it slides toward fascism. It's not a "lefty"tot tome, rather a historical look at trends in once-functioning democracies from modern history that are being repeated in our country today. It gives any reader (or viewer of the lecture) a much-needed history lesson and constitutional refresher. Most importantly, it puts the recent gradual loss of civil liberties in the U.S. in a historical context. The average American might not be alarmed at AT&T selling our private information to the Bush administration, but when this action is seen as part of a larger series of erosions and events, a pattern emerges with unfortunate consequences that become disturbingly clear.
  - Written by Production