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Chris Rock: Kill the Messenger(2008)

Chris Rock: Kill the Messenger

评分:8.8 / 地区:美国/ 片长:79分钟 导演:Marty Callner / 热度:23476℃
类型:喜剧/舞台艺术/ 语言:英语 编剧:克里斯·洛克
主演: Chris Rock

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http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2642924/index_2.html 49:30提到了 《人人都恨克里斯》结尾后,10年级辍学后的Chris的主要生活,是去龙虾餐馆洗盘子。

Chris Rock: Kill the Messenger剧照

cr本人在后厨刷碗和剥龙虾a career & a job/白人不用trying too hard/作为黑人唯一优势说nigger要不然互换一下(三场切换挺突兀

Chris Rock: Kill the Messenger剧照

因为路易来看的 黑人的唯一优势果然是可以随意racist 讲nigger和black chicks的时候笑死了 但这样的剪辑也暴露了CR背稿痕迹挺重的


4.6 感觉结尾有点弱下去了 但是三场混剪我服了 每场演出看似随意 可实际上分分秒秒卡的那么严 这都是功夫啊 一定私下打磨了很久 果然没有人能随随便便成功


one of my favorite. goddamn this is one good show. hilarious.

Woman cannot get backwards in lifestyle and man cannot get backwards sexually!哈哈哈哈哈

08年的Chris Rock就已经觉得世道太政治正确,那现在他岂不是活不下去了?看了四场,never scared真的是最好笑的


I love stand up comedy. He is an equal opportunity mocker, just great.

片头硕大的HBO就很能说明这片子的尿性了,黄暴没有下限……"Men cannot go backwards sexually , women cannot go backwards in lifestyle." Seriously?

Chris Rock: Kill the Messenger完整版剧情介绍

Chris Rock in 3-D? That’s more or less what you get with Kill the Messenger. Recorded in 2008, the 79-minute show is actually a compilation of three different gigs (in London, New York, and Johannesburg, South Africa) deftly edited into a single performance, presumably drawing on the best takes from each. It’s an effective technique, as it sustains visual interest (i.e., Rock’s wardrobe changes) and reveals the comedian’s gift for making his act seem spontaneous when in fact it’s basically the same every night during a given tour. As for the content, it’s what you’d expect from Rock: rude (f-bombs fall like acid rain, the "n word" flows freely, and the sexual references are extremely graphic), incisive, and hilarious. Some of the material has already passed its sell-by date; jokes about the ’08 presidential election, while funny (John McCain is "so old, he used to own Sidney Poitier"), are obviously no longer current. Elsewhere, Rock riffs on the difference between "career" and "job," gay fans, ringtones, and even Gwen Stefani, but it’s his observations about race that are central to the performance--and they never lose their bite, especially when it comes to black-white relations (on black men’s predilection for, uh, larger women: "A black man’ll drop-kick Keira Knightley to get to Rosie O’Donnell"). On the whole, he seems optimistic, if somewhat bemused ("All my black friends have a bunch of white friends. All my white friends have one black friend"), even as he remains acutely aware of the persistence of racism and inequality. If you’re easily offended, steer clear of Kill the Messenger. Otherwise, get ready to laugh. --Sam Graham