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评分:8.3 / 地区:英国/ 片长: 导演:Sonia Anderson / 热度:16587℃
类型:/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Michael Jackson/Janet Jackson/Jermaine Jackson



最近Chester Bennington的离开又让我想起了Michael 那个缤纷异彩才华横溢的年代早已随着他 一起去了

比之This Is It,角度不同,這個說的是一生,片長卻短了一半多。


So much has been said about the turbulent life and phenomenal career of Michael Jackson that it has become almost impossible to disentangle the man from the myth. More than any other icon in history of popular music, Michael Jackson remained a charismatic but elusive figure of heated debate. But one fact will forever remain undisputed: his extraordinary talent for creating truly original music, loved by millions. And despite setbacks that would have ended careers of lesser men, Michael Jackson's accomplishments as the King of Pop will remain some of the most impressive in music history.
  Featuring candid contributions from Janet Jackson, Brooke Shields, Quincy Jones, Sheryl Crow, Diana Ross and rare, behind-the-scenes footage, this documentary looks into the life of one of the most enigmatic and flamboyant pop stars of our time.