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The 3 Rs(2011)

The 3 Rs

评分:7.3 / 地区:美国 / 奥地利/ 片长:1分12秒 导演:大卫·林奇 / 热度:3972℃
类型:短片/ 语言:英语 编剧:大卫·林奇

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don't over interpret Lynch he's just a weirdo.. i like this one as an art piece on education. what he's trying to say seems vague but the mood is all there. and that is everything

Viennale Trailer 2011, 依然光怪陆离。3R本意Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,也有人理解为Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic


一分钟不尽兴啊。The 3 Rs is the festival trailer of the Viennale 2011,which had its world premiere on 21st September 2011 in the Gartenbaukino in Vienna。The trailer will be shown in over 100 cinemas in Austria and Germany and during the festival in several cinemas in Vienna。




The 3 Rs完整版剧情介绍

The 3 Rs is the festival trailer of the Viennale 2011, which had its world premiere on 21st September 2011 in the Gartenbaukino in Vienna. The trailer will be shown in over 100 cinemas in Austria and Germany and during the festival in several cinemas in Vienna.