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评分:9.0 / 地区:美国/ 片长:150 导演:James Moll / 热度:2793℃
类型:纪录片/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Dave Grohl



其实对foo fighters感觉只能算还行,但是看音乐人做的纪录片无论何时都很有意思


b站看的,大概前前后后看了一个月,可能还多,刚开始一直觉得看的很无聊投入不进去,看着看着态度突然转变成来了点共鸣,一直觉得是烈火战机? 看了确名是喷火战机,耐心不足,才能不足,成不了事情的。


要听FF ... 表白Dave, 他的坚持真的令人感动。不想弹吉他的鼓手不是好主唱...Taylor太帅了...最后看到Krist有点小伤心,岁月呐...(我看的只有100分钟,豆瓣标150,难道又看了假电影...)


毋庸置疑地,FF是一只优秀的乐队,这也是一部优秀的纪录片。Dave deserves everthing he has today.


感谢netflix,临睡前让我发现了这部风格是我喜欢类型的纪录片。看完之后,想站在第一排看FF现场的决心是100%了。致 各位FF muscians。戴维真的是充满了个人魅力,纪录片最后是戴维拖地的镜头,真是实在的硬汉。


85000人的温布利以及仿佛是nirvana的延续一样的foo fighters。。。

100分钟,完整的回顾了dave从nirvana到ff,从一开始无法摆脱nirvana的阴影到后来独撑大局说开谁就开谁的历程,在车库录wasting lights那段特别温暖,特别是krist回来帮忙录贝斯,感动死了,taylor又特别逗,自岔功夫一流!

things were good when we were young,but shits happened.. well.. who cares after all

"im not a rock star,im a musician!"



FOO FIGHTERS BACK AND FORTH chronicles the 16 year history of the Foo Fighters: from the band's very first songs created as cassette demos Dave Grohl recorded during his tenure as Nirvana's drummer, through its ascent to their Grammy-winning, multi-platinum, arena and stadium headlining status as one of the biggest rock bands on the planet.
  Produced by Nigel Sinclair (No Direction Home: Bob Dylan, Amazing Journey the Story of the Who, The Last Play at Shea) of Exclusive Media Group's Spitfire Pictures, and produced and directed by Oscar(r) and Emmy(r) winner James Moll, FOO FIGHTERS BACK AND FORTH culminates with the making of the band's new album Wasting Light: a process in which the band pushed itself forward by going fully back to basics and recording in Grohl's garage completely on analog tape. No computers, no software - just a band recording an album to tape in a garage. The new record also marks the Foos' first full-length effort with legendary producer Butch Vig, with whom Grohl worked on Nirvana's classic album Nevermind.
  "...the documentary film, serve{s} as a great reminder why the Foos deserve to be ranked among the world's greatest rock bands. For proof, check out Back and Forth." -- Jim Harrington, San Jose Mercury News