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Varázslat - Queen Budapesten(1987)

Varázslat - Queen Budapesten

评分:9.5 / 地区:匈牙利/ 片长:90min 导演:János Zsombolyai / 热度:4680℃
类型:纪录片/音乐/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: 弗莱迪·默克里/布赖恩・哈罗德・梅/约翰·迪肯/Roger Taylor
影片别名:Queen:Live in Budapest

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86年magic tour巡演中的一站,事实上这也是Freddie最后的一组公开巡演之一。同81年蒙特利尔那场一样,这一场也用胶片拍摄并且出了蓝光修复,但略显遗憾的是,Freddie的嗓音状态听得出明显不如70末80初的巅峰时期,而且这场的收音(或者还有后期修音?)质量也不是那么出色,剪辑风格又明显过碎,所以论整体的听感、观感比起蒙特利尔那一场是要逊色一些,不过四人组白天逛布达佩斯城的镜头倒挺有意思。另外个人感觉这一场唱得最棒的一首是《who wants to live forever》,不知是不是某种心理作用。

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Varázslat - Queen Budapesten剧照

Budapest was the first stadium concert behind the Iron Curtain.

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进行到Under Pressure的时候,镜头中的一位歌迷小姐姐太...美了!

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Varázslat - Queen Budapesten剧照

86年 距离91年还有5年 身体状况大不如前了 唱波西米亚狂想曲的时候嗓音也沙哑了许多 即便是这样还是征服了我 想到5年后的他不禁鼻头一酸……

Varázslat - Queen Budapesten剧照


Varázslat - Queen Budapesten剧照

结束时 Freddie把皇冠给roger戴roger没接住结果皇冠掉下台了?还是囧囧捡回来的




The magic of music!!!!

Varázslat - Queen Budapesten完整版剧情介绍

On July 27, 1986, Queen performed the largest-ever stadium concert at the Népstadion in Budapest in front of 80,000 ecstatic fans. The concert was part of the famed Magic Tour, which was the last time the band toured with lead singer Freddie Mercury. Now, this original concert film has been remastered in high definition and features many of Queen's favorite tracks—"Bohemian Rhapsody," "Crazy Little Thing Called Love," "I Want To Break Free" and "We Are The Champions." In addition, this special cinema event is introduced by a documentary feature that gives the inside track on events leading up to the Budapest concert. With three years to go before the fall of the Berlin Wall, this was the first Western rock concert performed in a stadium behind the then Iron Curtain. It was of such significance to the Hungarian authorities and film industry that a group of the country's top film cameramen and technicians were brought together to film it for posterity. Using archive footage from rehearsals, interviews with the band and on the road during the Magic Tour—some of which has never been seen before—this fascinating intro feature has been specially created for cinema release.