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Dancing in Jaffa(2013)

Dancing in Jaffa

评分:0 / 地区:以色列 / 美国/ 片长:100分钟 导演:Hilla Medalia / 热度:22988℃
类型:纪录片/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Pierre Dulaine

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教孩子们跳舞很简单,让孩子们打破界限一起舞很难,Pierre Dulaine是名伟大的舞者和老师。

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When one human being touches the other,something beautiful happens.

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really good and touched.

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IFC 竟然只有我们两个人,可以在影院跳起舞来了。不出意料的节奏和结局,没有惊喜也毫不失望,因为这件事本身太值得去纪录和传递。我能请你跳支舞么?作为相互尊重的同类,即便只为短暂绽放原初的信任与和谐。p.s两队孩子比Pierre先生更有感染力,点滴改变都让人心头一热,这样的理想主义当称伟大。

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電影本身中規中矩, 但題材實在太喜歡了. Jaffa老城, 突破種族界限的交流, 只有真正面對面才知道我們其實都沒有不同. Pierre Dulaine和片中的主角學生有到場, 原來老先生亦是Take the Lead中的Antonio Banderas.

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Dancing in Jaffa完整版剧情介绍

After decades abroad, renowned ballroom dancer Pierre Dulaine returns to his hometown of Jaffa, Israel. Fueled by his belief in dancing’s power to build self-esteem and social awareness, he starts to teach ballroom basics to the mixed population of local schools—boldly pairing Palestinians with Jews, putting many of the children’s and, more pointedly, their families’ beliefs to the test. 

Under his passionate, no-nonsense guidance, historical archenemies begin to forge an innocent relationship that quickly takes on a much larger significance than initially meets the eye.