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评分:7.6 / 地区:英国/ 片长:UK: 86 分钟 导演:Barney Platts-Mills / 热度:15028℃
类型:/ 语言:英语 编剧:Barney Platts-Mills
主演: Sam Shepherd



我也不知道我为啥看这个片子,大概是为了离开日常看片routine+east London吧;片中的east London那种亲切的荒凉又无聊的感觉还是很准确;但说像迈克·李也太夸张了吧,描述日常无聊生活得要有一个广阔复杂的心理空间营造,李的心理空间各种精彩,但这里的心理空间就是……空的啊。

根本不是什么残酷青春,所以更能打动我。里面的青年就是普通平凡的一群,懵懵懂懂的,不反叛,没理想,没钱,唯一的要求就是打扮漂亮点,找个工作,交个女朋友。几个小子混在一起,搞点小偷小摸,过几天就散伙,带点玩票性质,还是有点教养的。看到布朗克家乱七八糟的东西都是偷来的,我笑了。 顺带MODS风



OST! where can i find it?

EE-2652,英二BFI蓝转,花絮足有86分钟。叙事简单直白,又一出残酷青春成长史,但调子轻松明快。俩演员有点Syd Barrett & Roger Water的神态和气质,喜欢60年代末英伦风格与装扮的朋友可以关注下~


爱情最后在现实面前 仍是没有浪漫的答案 配乐真棒


英国独立电影的经典作品,不知道为何很少被人提到,导演似乎也不太出名,最近出的DVD。喜欢MIKE LEIGH电影的人应该会同样喜欢这部吧。
  Sam Shepard plays Irish prison escapee Jo Bronco Bullfrog. Hiding out in a seamy section of London's East End, Bullfrog befriends a gang of teenagers. Looking for kicks, the kids team up with Bullfrog, but his notion of excitement proves too much for them. Some good scenes, backed by excellent location photography, do not mitigate some of the more foolish aspects of the storyline. Completed in 1970, Bronco Bullfrog was withheld from general release for nearly two years.
  Set in the East End of London at the tail end of the 60s; BRONCO BULLFROG is the story of a young couple who decide to run away when their parents disapprove of their growing love for each other. They decide to hole up with Joe 'Bronco Bullfrog' who is in hiding after going on the run from Borstal. All three realise though that the law will catch up with them soon.
  Bronco Bullfrog is the first film Mike Leigh should have made. It is set in the East End and was filmed in six weeks in and around Stratford. Using young actors from Joan Littlewood's acting workshop, much of the film is improvised from the script thus giving the film an authenticity lacking in most other home grown efforts (see "Quadrophenia").