Jimmy Carr的毒舌和双关,百用不爽,各种twist。他要比Whitehall老道很多,但是他的单口看一场得累死,特别当英语又不是我母语的时候。他和Anthoney Jeselnik比,节奏快一点,然后没那么希特勒青年团的dark。天朝的墙的段子,可以可以。

Jimmy Carr没有任何底线的概念,怼heckler太机智了...不过看两场就无聊all pure pointless shitty dirty sex stuff and it's not that he can't tell political jokes, shame.

不能接受这种一边make misogynistic jokes一边号称其实是在嘲讽misogyny的stand up。最好笑的大概是观众发来的短信。?

就是那个观众说的嘛 How about a heckle not involving mothers, girlfriends, or sex?

king of one-liners @2018-04-18 20:06:30 @2020-03-04 18:10:10

straight until wet 30cm分三次,我女友没有阴毛,yet。绝了,这种one-liner也太冒犯太刻薄了hhhh我爱了(不过还是没有那天看到的那个希特勒人体实验的笑话好
补标 魔性笑声hiahiahia+极速飙车以及现怼观众有点厉害(我还看过好多would I lie to you.....
长了很多体位上的知识。“If you are not laughing, You’re learning.”
那些说他misogynistic的听众没有听出来他回Rack社会如何不公平的含义吗 all those sexual material could be tiresome and “your mom is a prostitute” joke is not that funny when you overuse it. Audience text really killed it, the suit is the best material jimmy got. Lol
反PC joke,粗俗sexual joke,现挂回呛观众的嘘声是mean透了的人身攻击,接着跟底下的观众对喷起来可还行╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭头一回见,倒不是反感,就是不好笑
我真的不喜欢他 annoying stage persona, dad jokes/puns out of nowhere but his laugh tho i’m dying