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评分: / 地区:美国/ 片长:52分鐘 导演:Kwon Tae-Chul, Joo Young-Sang / 热度:
类型:纪录片/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Anna Palk (Narrator)



这是一个12岁小孩杀死北极狐,拿着断腿尸体还会引以为傲的民族;26min狡兔死 良狗烹,许多格林兰雪橇犬的命运;北极所有的生物都受到影响;36min北极是个开始,但不会是终点,我相信没人能幸免。



  The Impact of Global Warming onitheiPolar Region andiIts Inhabitants
  In the far North, in the late fall, at a time of year when it should be covered in ice, the sea remains unfrozen along the coast of Greenland. Glaciers are melting and shedding chunks of ice that are scattered across the ocean surface. The animals inhabiting the land and water are threatened by warming temperatures. Climate change is fundamentally altering the natural environment of Greenland and affecting the lives of its wildlife and indigenous people.
  Greenlanders, who have survived for generations by hunting, are now losing their prey and their traditional way of life. They are facing the stark reality of a warming climate, and are trying to adapt. Until now, the Inuit people who were born in Greenland and know only their traditional life of hunting have never thought of a different place, a different life, or a different future. The sea, the ice, and the marine mammals here are everything to them. But now they must face the possibility of losing their ancient traditions, and their prey, along with the disappearing ice. They must find a way to cope.