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评分:0 / 地区:美国/ 片长:75 分钟 导演:Lewis Allen (I) / 热度:
类型:剧情/爱情/惊悚/犯罪/黑色电影/ 语言:英语 编剧:Richard Sale (I)
主演: 弗兰克·辛纳特拉/斯特林·海登





3.5 第一部黑白电影,突然感觉Sinatra还挺适合演反派的,但他说话没有唱歌一半好听;) a born killer的铺垫和心路历程刻画的还挺不错没有让这个角色并不是只有单一一面,妈妈小孩那条线让人反思家庭教育,并不只是屏蔽暴力这一点,而是在何种程度上根据自己的意志教育小孩


His vulnerability in his masculinity- a cornerstone for his come back in the latter film, the Man with the Golden Arm. Country- style film- Noir?


如热天午后一般的精彩,Frank Sinatra完美展现反派的魅力









3.5。Key Largo。The Desperate Hours。槍。歸國軍人與冷戰氛圍的結合。開場緩慢瑣碎,Frank Sinatra直到20分鐘才低調進場,高潮有力(尤其那段近15分鐘),劇本節奏獨具。題材好,換個導演能更好。


  In post-war America, the President of the United States is scheduled to journey through the small town of Suddenly, California. Claiming to be checking up on security prior to his arrival, a group of FBI agents arrive at the home of the Bensons, on top of a hill that looks down upon the station where the Presidential train is due to stop. However, they soon turn out to be assassins led by the ruthless John Baron (Frank Sinatra), who take over the house and hold the family hostage.
  Sheriff Tod Shaw (Sterling Hayden) arrives with Dan Carney (Willis Bouchey), a Secret Service agent in charge of the Presidents security detail. When he does, Baron and his gangsters shoot Carney and a bullet fractures Shaws arm.
  Baron sends one of his two henchmen to double-check on the Presidents schedule but he is killed in a shootout with the police. Jud (James OHara), a television repairman, shows up at the house and also becomes a hostage. Pidge (Kim Charney) goes to his grandfathers dresser to fetch some medication and notices a fully loaded revolver which he replaces with his toy cap gun.
  Baron is confronted by the sheriff on the risks and meaning of killing the President and Barons remaining henchman begins showing some reluctance. For Baron, however, these are the very least of his concerns and it soon becomes clear that he is a psychopath whose pleasure comes from killing – who and why he kills being the least of his problems.
  A snipers rifle has been mounted on a metal table by a window. Jud discreetly hooks the table up to the 5000 volt plate output of the family television. Pop Benson (James Gleason) then spills a cup of water on the floor beneath the table. Although the hope is that Baron will be shocked to death, his remaining henchman touches the table first and is electrocuted, firing the rifle repeatedly and attracting the attention of police at the train station as he struggles to free himself. Baron shoots Jud, disconnects the electrical hookup and aims the rifle as the presidents train arrives at the station, but to his surprise, doesnt stop (having been alerted to the risk). Ellen Benson (Nancy Gates) shoots Baron in the chest and Shaw shoots him again. Barons last words are, "Dont... please."