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评分:5.4 / 地区:美国/ 片长: 导演:Richard Gabai / 热度:116℃
类型:剧情/悬疑/惊悚/ 语言:英语 编剧:Aaron Ginsburg/Wade McIntyre,
主演: 肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里/娜塔莉·齐尔/Angeline-Rose Troy/亚当·鲍德温




“直觉”?不如叫“幻觉”!急诊室护士(女主)听到被捅女子临终遗言“He loved me!",却因触电,获得了被捅女子生前的记忆。新闻报道和警察调查方向均为劫杀,而女主却认为是情杀,凭着记忆不断调查——找出死者的前男友;找出死者拜访过的心理医生;看到死者项链被凶手拿走的幻象;得知死者与心理医生有一场affair;在心理医生的住所找到项链。由于警方认为女主因无法接受丧母的事实而罹患精神疾病(所谓被捅死的女子的记忆,全是她的幻觉),因此不相信女主,女主只好开枪射杀了心理医生,然后被拘。虽然片尾警方抓到了犯人,但我认为电影想表达的是真凶就是心理医生——最接近真相的女主,却因为精神疾病和毫无根据的死者的记忆,被警方认为证言不可靠。女主拜访的证人(老头)似乎知道什么内情,但这个情节不了了之了。



什么鬼 说实话 基本就没有三个人同时出现的我场景



最后结局有点云里雾里 女主精神应该是错乱的 因为最后有一个戴帽子的人被抓了 但她又是怎么知道被杀的女孩和医生有私情的呢?有点不太懂 求解答

结局我也是醉了。 一头雾水。什么玩意。 以为真相大白。 确实陷入更乱的谜团





  Kaitlyn, an ER nurse who is tending to a young stabbing victim, is accidentally electrocuted by the defibrillator that is used in an effort to save the womans life. Almost immediately Kaitlyn starts to experience the victims memories. She turns to family, friends, and the police, but no one takes her seriously. She decides that she must take it upon herself to try to solve the crime - or risk the terrifying visions ending in her own sanity being at stake. Ultimately Kaitlyn teams up with the detective on the case and weaves her way through the victims past - to discover not only the brutal truth, but also some very unexpected lessons about life, love, sorrow and forgiveness along the way
  While attempting to save the life of a fatally stabbed young woman, ER nurse Kaitlyn is accidentally electrocuted by a backfiring defibrillator. Upon awakening, she begins to experience memories that are not hers, but rather those of the now deceased victim. With her sanity in question and nowhere to turn, Kaitlyn must weave through the womans past and piece together her memories before the killer strikes again.
  Shot in the seedy Boyle Heights district in Los Angeles, InSight follows Kaitlyn (Natalie Zea), an ER nurse who while tending to a young stabbing victim, Allison, is accidentally electrocuted by the defibrillator that was being used to save the womans life. Almost immediately she starts to experience the victims memories. Kaitlyn turns to family, friends, and the police, but no one takes her seriously, so she takes it upon herself to solve the crime - as the terrifying visions threaten her sanity. Ultimately, Kaitlyn teams up with detective Peter Rafferty (Sean Patrick Flanery) and weaves her way through the victims past in an attempt to discover the brutal truth about the murder and herself.