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Volcom Luminous Llama Bonus(2001)

Volcom Luminous Llama Bonus

评分: / 地区:美国/ 片长:21 导演: / 热度:
类型:/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Billy Anderson/Bjorn Leines/Bryan Iguchi/Daniel Franck/Joel Mahaffey/Mickey Leblanc/Terje Haakonsen

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Volcom Luminous Llama Bonus完整版剧情介绍

  Featuring... Volcom's snowboarding team 30 min.approx. Volcom releases it's second 16mm film Bjorn Leines proves that he just might be the best all round snowboarder in the world,while Joel Mahaffey makes his mark with to most amazing section to date.Wille Yli Luoma blows it up while Billy Anderson and Erik Leines deliver solid sections. See 14 year old Shaun White take another step to that elusive next level.Terje announces his presence with authority at the Arctic Challenge.Daniel Franck is seen busting at Mt. Hood.
  Bonus Features
  Jeff Anderson Pilgrimage
  Vaux video “Switched On”
  Warped Tour 2003[quote]