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评分:9.6 / 地区:UK/ 片长:145分钟 导演:David Mallet / 热度:333℃
类型:/ 语言:English 编剧:
主演: Pink Floyd





《pulse》是我听过最棒的live专辑。 对平克•弗洛伊德来说,演唱会的发挥比录音室要好,《comfortable numb》的现场版更是惊为天人。


疫情期间放出来的演唱会修复版本,大噶快去油管看!现场搞了一个飞机模型坠落爆炸, Time,High Hopes 和Comfortably Numb这三首的solo,无论什么时候听,我都能陷进去;The Great Gig In The Sky 那三位伴唱唱功惊人。平克的伟大就像画油画一样,一层层给你铺出来,。反正就是给你整得明明白白他们为什么牛逼。。一步一步送你上太空。。


那天在现场观看的观众有福了!他们目睹了一场有史以来这个星球上最壮观、最激动人心的演唱会!在pink floyd面前,一切都是尘埃!尘埃!!!恨自己没有早生20年!!




绝对是全球最佳演唱会,没有之一。 迷幻的灯光衬托着pink floyd迷幻的音乐,在九十年代的灯光能做到如此完美,太难得了。pink floyd的六七十年代音乐到现在无人超越,同样九十年代的这场演唱会效果亦无人超越。 必须全五星。






take it back和crazy diamond华丽灯光闪瞎眼,high hopes唱完后世界静到能听到自己全身的小米粒掉一地的声音…这他妈才是演唱会啊啊啊超兴奋!

史上最伟大的现场,迷幻、华丽、辉煌、激动人心,无法用言语形容,灯光、舞美、烟火构成了超凡的视觉盛宴!神一般的乐队,神一样的男人,爱死David Gilmour,爱死他的吉它SOLO,爱死他的声音,勾魂摄魄,醉生梦死,他的一点小表情,一丝微笑,让我的心瞬间融化,如果此生可以亲临现场,死都无憾

Comfortably Numb 后面solo部分的灯光变换看哭了怎么回事;虽然他们演绎动次打次感很强的歌时(Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2、Run like hell)有点怀念水爷,但是Rick的女婿很像炯迪肯,感觉也不错呢。

最后Wish you were here加Comfortably numb连奏带来的快感赛过性高潮。YouTube下面的高赞评论:PF has send more people to the space than NASA.


  imdb评分: ********** 9.5/10 (328 votes)
  The lightning system. The songs. The sound. A band that decides to hide beneath the complex riggings and supports (what a welcome relief!). Perfection, indeed. This is the best concert video footage I've ever seen in my life. The moment I saw it I could not stop watching it (it was too late at night, and I wanted to get some sleep) for all the right reasons.
  Suffice to say, I don't think I'll ever see a concert as incredible as that one. The moment when they play the encores (Wish you were here / Comfortably Numb / Run like Hell) qualifies as the stuff dreams are made of. Laser lights, explosions, a huge rose hanging from the ceiling with a disco ball inside, huge reflectors onstage, a dancing circular screen, a dancing light stage, lights at the bottom flashing messages and to the music... I couldn't have imagined a more complex light show. Or better tunes. Or better playing.