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评分:0 / 地区:乌拉圭 / 阿根廷 / 巴西/ 片长:80分钟 导演:Diego Fernández / 热度:2122℃
类型:喜剧/ 语言:西班牙语 编剧:Diego Fernández / Rodolfo Santullo
主演:吉列尔莫·阿伦戈/Roberto Birindelli/Christian Font/Carlos Frasca/Jenny Galvan/卢西奥·埃尔南德斯/Lourdes Kauffmann/Roberto More/Verónica Perrotta/Martin Slipak/Jorge Temponi/Josefina Trias/凯撒·特龙科索
影片别名:The Broken Glass Theory



Claudio is promoted to policy coordinator at the Santa Marta insurance company, which he must represent in a remote and small city, where after arriving numerous cars begin to be set on fire. Claudio is pressured to cover car insurance in a hostile environment, and as he tries to clear up the fires he discovers that many things are not what appears to be.